Page 31 - 10X GOOD Vol_1
P. 31

Sprayers and Waste Decomposer   where 677 villages in Punjab and   well-being. The entire value chain,
 Plough. This was followed by ex-situ   Haryana have been declared `parali’   underpinning the core values of
 management, where the removed   burning free villages, and ‘parali’   inclusive growth and sustainable
 and transformed crop residue is   was not burned in 4,98,258 acres   environment, positively impacted
 transported to energy companies as   of land in the winter season of   by reducing the pollution along with
          developing skills and capacity for
 raw materials for extracting oil and   2022. Pollution levels were brought   utilizing ‘parali’, creating income and
 making high quality cardboards. It   down by 30% and 31% in Punjab   additional livelihood support for
 was utilized as fodder for cattle as   and Haryana respectively. Not just   the farmers, increasing their farm
 well.   this, but there has been a significant   productivity, generating healthy
 drop in the release of greenhouse   fodder for animals, clean fuel for use
 Education and awareness play a   gases in the atmosphere. About   and improved health standards.
 crucial role in fostering sustainable   1,928,413 tonnes of Carbon di
 practices. So, we also conducted   Oxide (CO2), 117,105 tonnes of   Since this is a global menace with
 awareness campaigns in schools,   Carbon Mono-oxide (CO), 3,437   global consequences, action was
 villages, and colleges focusing on   tonnes of Methane (CH4), 4,875   needed to mitigate and create
 sharing how farmers can have   tonnes of Nitrogen Mono Oxide,   a lasting way to deal with it.
 an additional source of income   253,303 tonnes of rice straw ash,   Collaborating with stakeholders,
 generation by selling `parali’ as a   3,819 tonnes of particulate matter   devising eco-friendly sustainable
          solutions in line with SDGs, and
 raw material to companies, and turn   and 19,984 tonnes of Non-Methane   underpinning it on the values
 waste into livelihood. We ensured to   Volatile Organic Compounds were   of the foundation has given a
 involve and engage community with   not released in the air in the two   We planned the initiative in a   transformational result which will go
 us, since they know the issue best   months of October and November   way that it not only supports   a long way in promoting sustainable
 and co-creating and implementing   2022. Additionally, the per acre   environment, but also the farming   practices and a greener future. We
 solutions with their participation,   input cost has also increased by Rs.   communities and contributes   are committed towards our vision
 will enable a greater outcome.   3,000/-. The health hazards because   significantly to the SDG 13   of environment and ecological
 of the pollution has also come down,   – Climate action, SDG 11 –   conservation and will continue with
 The initiatives achieved a lot of   owing to the positive benefits from   Sustainable cities and communities   such initiatives that will help us
 milestones in terms of its impact,   the intervention.   and SDG 3- Good health and   thrive to our potential.

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