Page 45 - 10X GOOD Vol_1
P. 45

In a world riddled with challenges,   dedication and determination.  but an unwavering determination
          young minds possess the passion                                      to bring about change. Empowered
          and determination to bring about   One such exemplary student-led    by shared ideals and a passion for
          positive change. Their boundless   initiative is ‘Yuva Yoddha,’ which   public welfare, Yuva Yoddha gained
          energy, innovative ideas, and     embodies the spirit of the youth for   momentum rapidly, attracting
          fearlessness in confronting societal   change. This article delves into the   like-minded youth from diverse
          issues have made them the driving   inspiring journey of Yuva Yoddha and   backgrounds, united by a common
          force behind various movements    the role of youth in shaping a better   purpose. Working on various
          for social betterment. The world   future through community service in   different projects such as Women
          is witnessing a powerful force for   public welfare domains.         health and hygiene, biodiversity
          transformation - the youth for                                       conservation, animal welfare, post-
          change. Fuelled by an unwavering   Yuva Yoddha, which translates to   covid relief etc., Yuva Yoddha strives
          desire to make a difference, young   ‘Youth Warriors’ in English, was   to engage the youth in working for a
          people are stepping up to address   co-founded by Bhuwan Jaiswal     cause, helping the ‘future’ work for
          social, environmental, and economic   and Anaika Pathak, ex-students of   the present.
          issues. Their passion, innovative   City Montessori school, Kanpur
          thinking, and collaborative spirit   Road. What started out as a group   As a volunteer at Yuva Yoddha, you
          are redefining the way we tackle   of two people who wanted to help   embark on a journey of personal
          challenges, creating a better future   underprivileged during the COVID   growth, empowerment, and social
          for all. In this article, we explore   Pandemic, Yuva Yoddha is now a   impact. The experiences you gain
          some remarkable stories of change   team of over 300 student volunteers   during your time as a volunteer are
          initiated by youth and the impact   who are joined by a force- helping   invaluable, shaping you into a more
          they have made, accompanied by    society. Their journey began with   compassionate and responsible
          inspiring pictures that capture their   humble roots - fuelled by nothing   individual. Some key experiences

 Yuva Yoddha:

 Igniting youth for

 positive change

 Young minds emerge as a powerful force for positive
 change, redefining problem-solving with passion,

 innovation, and collaboration

 - By Kratarth Kumar, Head of Outreach and Senior Volunteer at Yuva Yoddha

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