Page 55 - 10X GOOD Vol_1
P. 55

Storytelling Example: Maria and Her Competence Journey
           Maria, a young graduate, faced the challenge of finding her place in the job market after completing her
           studies. Although she possessed a solid academic knowledge, she lacked the necessary social and transversal
 education and   competences to thrive in a highly competitive environment. She quickly realized that continuous competence

           development was essential to improve her career prospects.

           Maria began working on her areas of weakness in a targeted manner. She enrolled in a communication training
 competence   program to enhance her oral and written skills. Additionally, she joined a student organization to strengthen

           her teamwork and leadership qualities. Maria invested time and effort in developing her competences and
           participated in workshops and training sessions that expanded her domain knowledge.

 development:   Her efforts paid off. Maria received a scholarship for an international internship, where she further developed
           her intercultural competences. The acquired competences and experiences added a special touch to her resume,
           making her a sought-after candidate in the job market. Ultimately, she received an offer from a renowned
           company that valued not only her domain knowledge but also her enhanced competences.
 Investing in the   Societal Benefits of Education and         Conclusion

          Competence Development
                                                               Education and competence development are
                                                               indispensable for promoting individual success and
          In addition to individual advantages, education and
 Future   competence development contribute to societal        societal growth. Comprehensive education lays the
          progress. A well-educated population enhances
                                                               foundation for competence development, which is
                                                               in high demand in a rapidly changing workforce. The
          economic productivity and promotes social well-being.
          By fostering competences such as critical thinking,
                                                               impact of continuous competence development on an
          problem-solving, and intercultural sensitivity, active   storytelling example of Maria illustrates the positive
          citizenship is encouraged, enabling individuals to   individual’s career path. Furthermore, education and
          participate in addressing societal challenges and finding   competence development offer societal benefits by
 Promoting equal opportunities and removing barriers   solutions.  contributing to economic productivity, social well-being,
 are crucial steps in making the benefits of education and   Investing in the Future  and active citizenship.

 competence development accessible to all  Investing in education and competence development
          is a long-term strategic decision that significantly
          shapes the future of a society. Governments,
 - By Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès  educational institutions, and businesses should increase
          investments in educational programs that align with the
          needs of a changing workforce. Integrating practical
 he significance   competence enhancement.  Competence Development   experiences, professional development, and innovative
 of education   for the Workforce  teaching methods is crucial to foster the competences
 and competence   Education as the Foundation  Competencies are crucial in   and skills of individuals.
 development for   Education lays the foundation   a globalized and technology-
 Tindividual success and   for successful competence   driven workforce. In addition   Access to Education and Equal Opportunities
 societal growth is undeniable. In a   development. It enables the   to domain-specific knowledge,   To make the benefits of education and competence   Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès, a leading figure in sustainability
 rapidly changing world, continuous   acquisition of foundational   social and transversal skills such   development accessible to all, it is important to   and digitization, is recognized as “Superwoman” by
 personal development and   knowledge, critical thinking skills,   as communication, teamwork,   remove barriers and promote equal opportunities.   Forbes. She is the Executive Director of the SRH-
 acquiring new skills are crucial. This   and a broad knowledge base. Good   problem-solving, and intercultural   Disadvantaged groups, such as individuals from   Institute for Sustainability Management, a professor
 article explores the importance   education opens doors and creates   sensitivity are in demand.   lower socioeconomic backgrounds or marginalized   for communication management, and a renowned
 of education and competence   equal opportunities for everyone.   Continuous development of   communities, must have equal opportunities to develop   futurologist, keynote speaker, author, and founder
 development for individuals as   Through access to high-quality   competences allows individuals to   their competences and fulfill their full potential.   of sustainable startups. As the managing partner of
 well as for society as a whole. A   education, individuals can unfold   meet the demands of the job market   Investments in educational infrastructure, scholarship   GetYourWings, she oversees the learning space for
 storytelling example illustrates the   their talents and maximize their   and adapt to changing conditions.  programs, and targeted support can help reduce   future shapers and is known for the online learning game
 positive impact of comprehensive   potential.  educational inequalities and build an inclusive society.  CodeAndSafeThePlanet.
 education and continuous

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