Page 17 - 10x GOOD_Issue 4_V4
P. 17

Shining a

 Light on Rural


 Signify launches Ratri Chaupal CSR program to
 create safer spaces for rural women

 ith an aim to create safer spaces   Jagdish Raj Shrimali, Honorable Minister of State & Vice   lives safer. One of the most significant factors affecting   school, learn about various social and financial schemes
 for women living in rural villages,   Chairman, Labor Advisory Board, Rajasthan.   the safety and well-being of women and families living   run by the government or simply engage with other
 lighting solutions provider Signify   The program aims to positively impact more than 7,500   in villages is the lack of adequate lighting after sunset.   members of the community. With this program, we
 recently launched a first-of-its-  women and children in the district, by conducting   With a unique program like Ratri Chaupal, Signify will   have created a safe space for these women to connect
 Wkind CSR program called Ratri   sessions on health, nutrition, agricultural techniques   enable women to participate more actively in their   with each other every evening and gain access to
 Chaupal in Udaipur. Under this program, the company   and financial literacy. The project also expects to   local communities, giving them more time to pursue   education and information, that can have a significant
 is illuminating communal spaces in villages to enable   increase the participation of women in night schools   education, social and financial literacy programs and   impact on their future.”
 women to gather safely after sunset and attend night   and support the village households with enrollment   community involvement in a safe environment”
 school and various information sessions on health,   support for government schemes.   Speaking at the launch event, Shyam Sundar Bhatt,   Additionally, the illuminated community centers will
 nutrition, agriculture, women safety, government   Chairman, Shrushti Seva Samiti commented, “It has   also function as libraries, open to all, when not in use
 schemes and financial literacy.    Commenting on the launch, Nikhil Gupta, Head of   been a great association working with Signify to create   for the chaupal sessions. After the success of the pilot
 Commercial Operations, Marketing and CSR, Signify   this unique and impactful Ratri Chaupal program.   project in Udaipur, Signify plans to expand this program
 The company has partnered with Srushti Seva Samiti to   Innovations India Limited, said, “With a vision to unlock   Women living in villages are afraid to venture out after   to 10 more villages in other districts in Rajasthan.
 launch the pilot project in 10 villages in the Mavli block   the extraordinary potential of light for brighter lives and   sunset due to lack of adequate illumination, and as a
 of Udaipur, Rajasthan. The project was launched by Shri   a better world, Signify is committed to make people’s   result they miss out on opportunities to attend night

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