Page 13 - 10x GOOD_Issue 3_V4
P. 13

Traditional education was not   norms, and a leap of faith into the   chance on an approach that defies   futures, and build the foundation of a
 designed to deliver on these skills   realm of the seemingly impossible.   convention. Let’s relook at ALfA with   more humane world as well.
 and traits. It was crafted for a   Critics may deem it a radical departure   fresh eyes and explore the endless
 different era, and even with the best   from tried methods, but what is   possibilities it presents.  The path forward is clear. The
 add-ons and modifications, its ability   radicality if not the harbinger of   question is, are we ready to embrace
 to meet today’s needs is marginal at   revolution?  As we stand on the precipice of   it? The answer lies in our willingness
 best. While we engage in debates           change, let’s remember that history   to embrace the unthinkable and
 over whose program is superior, we   ALfA’s journey is a clarion call for   favors the bold – those who dare to   usher in an era of education that’s
 overlook the fundamental question:   transformational policies. The   challenge the status quo and redefine   unprecedented, audacious, and
 What truly works and brings about   evidence is compelling; the results   the norm. ALfA beckons us to rethink   transformative.
 evidence-backed results?  are tangible. It’s time to set aside   education, to empower students with
          reservations and quibbles, to take a   skills and traits that will shape their
 In essence, ALfA is not just a
 pedagogical approach; it is an
 educational revolution akin to other   The future of education is waiting. It’s time to make the leap.
 transformative moments in history.
 Like the advent of the automobile   Innovation’s Dance           For skeptics turned believers, no room for doubt,
 or the rise of the digital age, ALfA   Innovation’s dance, a waltz so bright,  ALfA’s innovation shines, lighting the route.
 is set to become a cornerstone in   Yet skeptics linger in doubtful light,
 education’s next transformative   They scoff and frown at the daring new,  So, doubters, learn from history’s past,
 chapter. As it gains traction, one   For the uncharted path, they cannot construe.   Innovation’s journey, bold and fast,
 conclusion becomes increasingly                                      With ALfA’s magic, the world’s set free,
 clear: the future of education lies not   Electric dreams sparked fiery ire,  In literacy and numeracy, a swift victory.
 in preserving the status quo but in   Edison’s bulb faced skeptic choir,
 embracing innovative initiatives like   “No candle’s glow, it’s doomed to fail!”
 ALfA that have the power to redefine   Social-Emotional Mental Well-Being is enhanced in the ALfA classroom in multiple   Yet darkness fled, innovation set sail.
 what is possible.  ways including through roleplays and kinesthetic activities.
                 A flying dream? The Wrights conceived,
                   “Heavier than air, it won’t achieve!”
               Yet skies were conquered, planes took flight,
                  Innovation soared to the sun’s height.
 A Call for   cusp of this new era, the challenge   are only beginning to comprehend.
 Transformational Change  is not just in embracing ALfA, but in   Mobile marvel, in hand we hold,
 ALfA is more than a groundbreaking   recognizing it as the dawn of a new   An Education That Can   Once dismissed, now life’s stronghold,
 educational program; it’s a call to   chapter in education—a chapter that   Save Humanity  “Wireless talk?” Skeptics did jest,
 action, a challenging of established   promises to be as groundbreaking as   The urgency is clear. Millions of   Yet innovation’s stride proved them wrong, the best.
 norms, and a leap of faith into the   it is enriching.  children remain underserved by
 realm of the seemingly impossible.   traditional education, while we   From horse-drawn days to engines new,
 Critics may deem it a radical   Thus, ALfA doesn’t just aim to be   engage in bureaucratic debates. ALfA   Automobiles, a paradigm askew,
 departure from tried methods, but   another footnote in the annals of   offers a fresh perspective, a chance   Skeptics grumbled, “A noisy fuss!”  DEVI Sansthan is looking for those who wish to break the
 what is radicality if not the harbinger   educational initiatives; it aspires   to reframe the conversation, and   But highways hum, with progress robust.  old moulds and create new possibilities for the children:
 of revolution?   to be a headline, a turning point, a   to focus on the “what” rather than   You are invited.
 seismic event that marks the dawning   the “whose.” It’s time to shed the   Now, enter ALfA, turning the page,

 In a world yearning for transformative   of a new educational landscape. Like   shackles of the past and embrace the   Literacy’s journey, a rapid-paced stage,  Milita Halder serves as a Master Trainer at
 shifts, ALfA seeks to be the catalyst,   many innovations that have shaped   future of education.  “Doubters, beware!” ALfA’s voice sings,  DEVI Sansthan and can be contacted via
 much like electricity or the civil rights   our history, the promise of ALfA lies   In just 45 days, the impossible springs.  email at or by
 movement, changing not just our   in its audacity to challenge the status   ALfA is more than a groundbreaking   phone at +91 740 840 6000. For further
 classrooms, but the very fabric of   quo and its potential to propel us into   educational program; it’s a call to   In classrooms quiet, where doubt once grew,  details, please visit www.dignityeducation.
 our societies. As we stand on the   an educational renaissance that we   action, a challenging of established   ALfA’s brilliance, like morning dew,  org.

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