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What’s particularly remarkable pushed society into new eras of breakthroughs in civil rights, ALfA
about ALfA’s approach is that these understanding and capability, ALfA’s is poised to become a cornerstone
young learners aren’t just calculating approach to mathematics is setting in a new, transformative chapter in
answers; they’re understanding a transformative precedent that education.
the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ behind could very well influence educational
the numbers. After solving these philosophies for generations to Shaping Tomorrow,
advanced problems, students can come. This is not just acceleration for Empowering the Future
articulate the process they used, and the sake of speed; it’s a fundamental One of ALfA’s distinctive features is
they can explain their reasoning using reshaping of what educational the paired learning approach, where
concrete objects or numerical proofs. achievement can look like at this age. students work collaboratively to
Whether it’s carrying over in addition ALfA’s impact is not confined to enhance their skills. This dynamic
or understanding why we borrow the parameters of a traditional process not only accelerates learning
Little children of government schools are able to make very large Teachers are empowered in paired learning methods by learning in in subtraction, these children aren’t classroom; it emanates outwards, but also nurtures the 4C skills of
numbers and learn to do all the four operations of addition, pairs themselves. Everyone goes back fully charged and motivated just performing rote calculations. redefining not just how we educate Collaboration, Communication,
subtraction, multiplication and division in a matter of days. Here, to give this a go in their own classes. Both their belief in the new
two girls of Class 1 are adding numbers in hundreds, such as 330 system and their children grows enormously. They begin to believe They’re engaging in a profound level but also how we envision the pace Creativity, and Critical Thinking.
with 132. it will be possible to make their children FLN capable within days, of mathematical reasoning. and scope of learning. Students Furthermore, ALfA’s holistic
not months. This is a major transition in thinking. In the opinion embarking on the ALfA journey approach fosters the development
surveys at the beginning, they are not sure at all this will work and This ability to articulate mathematical experience a radical transformation of the 4C Traits – Character, Climate
that too within 45 days.
concepts goes beyond mere skill that shatters conventional timelines Consciousness, Connectedness
acquisition; it is a powerful indicator and expectations around literacy (Social-Emotional-Mental Well-
of deep, conceptual understanding. acquisition. being), and Citizenship – attributes
In this way, ALfA is revolutionizing crucial for success in today’s rapidly
not just what we teach in the realm The Imperative for evolving world.
of early math education but how Change: Why ALfA
we assess what meaningful learning Matters
really is. It’s challenging long-standing ALfA’s innovative approach
educational norms that often demonstrates that the barriers
prioritize rote memorization over to literacy and educational
genuine understanding. advancement are not insurmountable
walls but rather hurdles that can
A Dawn for Education: be cleared with a new, effective
ALfA’s Audacious Vision pedagogy. In defying conventional
for Transformative timetables for learning, ALfA does
The children not only make shapes and sequences, the program Learning
harnesses far greater creativity. more than fast-track literacy;
ALfA’s approach is pioneering a it empowers students, instills a
new pedagogical frontier, not only newfound sense of self-confidence,
expanding the boundaries of what and opens doors to opportunities
we believe children are capable that extend far beyond the
of but also redefining the markers classroom.
of successful education. Students
in the program are learning with By compressing what is traditionally Class 1 students are using big leaves to
an understanding and depth that a years-long journey into a matter designate Hundreds (100), flowers for
shatters the traditional expectations of days and weeks, ALfA not only Tens (10) and smaller leaves for Ones (1).
for their age group. challenges the status quo but also The number they have made is 122. Such
practice ensures creativity, resourcefulness,
poses a powerful question: What if climate consciousness, and number sense
Two children working in a pair share one booklet. After a teacher- In this context, ALfA is not merely an the ‘impossible’ educational milestones which is better nurtured when it is learned
student and student-student demos, the children know exactly by themselves. By working in pairs, they
what their task is. Children make questions for each other and Making large numbers and adding them with carry over comes educational program; it’s a paradigm are merely milestones waiting for the have a deeper and more joyful experience,
solve them more easily this way, like subtract 239 from 331 which easy this way. More time on task means greater learning. shift. Just as other significant right approach to make them possible? and they provide each other the control of
requires borrowing twice, for example. It is a busy and productive Correction by a peer is more powerful than correction by the advancements have historically Like the advent of electricity or the error.
classroom. teacher.
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