Page 23 - 10x GOOD_Issue 3_V4
P. 23




 and The

 ebbinghaus   even before Y2K. I was getting ready   only done this on paper before) and   detail of all: the elapsed time from

                                                                               beginning to end was 14 minutes.
          to give my Latin Roots cumulative
                                            they were stunned after the first
                                            round that they only were scoring
          final for my 8th graders. We had
 effecT for 4X   been doing one unit per week, as is   27% on average. How could this   This was the birth of the
          the norm. But this was the big show.
                                                                               EduProtocol called The Fast and
                                            be?? They were English teachers!
                                                                               Curious. I think it took another 2-3
                                            I had played a little trick - these
          Forty-five Latin roots all in one
 growTh   sitting. I knew that this test would   were more obscure Latin Roots,   years to give this process an actual
                                            from Michigan State. I asked if they
                                                                               name. I’ve done this exact same
          result in a classic grade distribution
                                            would like to hear the answers. I
          (a bell curve). I decided to try
                                                                               flow in over 400 classrooms and
          something different with the goal of
                                                                               with groups as large as 120-second
                                            quickly shared the most missed
          “busting the curve”.
                                            items (almost everyone had at least
                                            3 correct) and then asked if they   graders and up to 700 adults, all
                                                                               at once. The Fast and Curious
          Long story short: The lowest grade   wanted to play again. 100% yes.   EduProtocol is like clockwork,
          in the entire class was 83% and   They could not leave that score    entirely predictable in any class
 Explore a transformative   f you visit any classroom in the world, you will see   the vast majority was 90% plus.   there.   setting when the conditions are all
 approach to learning that   a version of this kind of workflow - students will   I had no idea that I was actually   met. It’s not been researched yet,
 challenges traditional classroom   do their assignment, on paper or digitally, or for   using the Ebbinghaus effect and   We played again. 86%. They were   but I consider it a phenomenon.
 a certain amount of time, usually 8-20 minutes.
                                            still struggling on three. I reminded
                                                                               Just like magnets are mysterious to
          Ipsative learning in practice. In fact,
 methods, making learning   ITeachers then “collect” the work, the collection   I would hear neither of these terms   them of the correct answers. Want   us, we don’t know EXACTLY why it
 more engaging and efficient,   process on paper taking from 1-3 minutes. Students   for almost 20 years. Both were by   to play again? Yes, they replied.   works, but when the conditions are
 while fostering critical thinking,   then move to the next segment or leave class as the   accident.  We can get this. We are English   met - we know what the result will
 period is over or recess begins.
 creativity, and collaboration  Zoom forward twelve years. Still,
 Does this sound familiar? Well, it turns out that this   before Kahoot, Gimkit, Quizizz or   As the final round ended, we saw:   Then, I bumped into the Ebbinghaus
 time-honored anachronism is just about the worst way   Blooket existed, and even Quizlet   Class average score of 96% (I think   Effect by accident at about age 55.
 - By Jon Corippo  you can teach. It’s comfortable, and it seems sensible,   was just a flashcard tool. I had been   2-3 questions were missed in total). I   After over 20 years in education, I
 but the classic classwork model is out of sorts with   working with some English teachers   asked them how that felt. They were   was Googling images to help explain
 what research says is the best way for humans to retain   in San Jose Ca. To end the day, I   amazed that I had not “handed out”   repetitions. And there it was--the
 and lock learning into their long-term memory. And it   asked if the teachers would like   anything. They were amazed that   Forgetting Curve. Also known as
 turns out we actually have researched names for this   to try something with Latin Roots.   there was no “set up” to the lesson   spaced repetitions. Very popular
 learning that almost now educators are aware of in   They said of course, they were   and the direct instruction had been   in sports, fitness, and advertising.
 practice.  English teachers so they loved Latin   so brief. They were very satisfied   I think it’s underused in education
          Roots. So, I launched them into an   with their growth, proud even. I   because education speed and
 My learning on this subject started in the year 1999, yes   11-question quiz into Socrative (I’d   pointed out the most important   repetitions are frowned upon. But

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