Page 15 - 10X GOOD Vol_1
P. 15

s children grow,      malnutrition and learning loss. A   number of children enrolled at
                      they need adequate    non-profit that runs school based on   Akanksha schools come from low-
                      nutrition to develop   the Public-Private Partnership (PPP)   income families, where nutrition
                      cognitive skills and   model in Mumbai, Pune and Nagpur,   often ends up taking a backseat.
         A abilities that impact            Akanksha operates on the belief    Akanksha works closely with parents
          their academic performances.      that when we reimagine learning    on creating awareness around
          In a country like India where     for students, we can pull their    health and nutrition.
          poverty levels are high there are   entire families out of poverty and
          many challenges associated with   address several allied Sustainable   In June this year, Shindewadi
          providing children with safe and   Development Goals (SDGs).         Mumbai Public School (SMPS), one
          affordable access to healthy meals.   Akanksha’s vision of delivering   of twenty-six Akanksha run schools,
          A recent report by the Ministry of   quality education for all children,   located in Dadar locality of Mumbai,
          Women and Child Development       no matter their background, aligns   was recognised for its efforts in
          has found 4.3 million children in   with the goal to ensure inclusive and   prioritizing nutrition for its students
          India to be malnourished. Poor    equitable quality education for all.   by T4 Education, a UK-based
          nutrition is one of the major reasons                                organization. SMPS was shortlisted
          for absenteeism and low school    For its students, Akanksha’s focus is   in the top 10 schools of the World’s
          attendance among students from    on holistic growth that goes beyond   Best Schools (WBS) prizes in the
          underserved communities.          the classrooms. It includes engaging   ‘Supporting Healthy Lives’ category.
 community   The Akanksha Foundation is     ensure students’ mental, emotional   Since its inception 14 years ago,
                                            with parents and communities to

          trying to bridge this gap between
                                                                               the school has introduced several
                                            and physical wellbeing. A large
 partnerships for

 school children’s



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