Page 11 - 10X GOOD Vol_1
P. 11

Contrasting ALfA with Traditional   Known Pictures as a Starting   Rapid Progress and Time Efficiency: ALfA facilitates rapid progress. Children can read their own textbooks,
 Approaches: ALfA presents a   Point: ALfA starts with known   storybooks and newspapers within 30-45 days, significantly reducing the learning time compared to traditional
 distinct departure from traditional   pictures from the environment of   approaches.
 methods. It eliminates rote learning   the child. Children connect known
 and the strict alphabetical order   pictures, not abstract letters, to their
 of letters found in whole language   corresponding first sounds.
 and phonics approaches. It also
 avoids overemphasis on letter-sound   familiar visual cues from a child’s   Using Cognitive Abilities: ALfA
 associations that define phonics   environment. For example, a child   uses children’s cognitive abilities
 instruction. By departing from these   familiar with the English language   to derive first sounds from known
 traditional approaches, ALfA opens   will recognize a picture of a car and   pictures and blend them to form
 new possibilities for accelerating   can decode the first sound “ka or   words on their own. This self-
 learning of reading.  /c/” in “car.” This approach facilitates   directed learning approach fosters
 rapid progress in decoding and   autonomy and allows children to
 Early Decoding and Blending: In the   blending sounds to form words.   take ownership of their learning.
 ALfA method, early decoding and   Children can go from “car” /c/,
 blending of sounds is prioritized.   “apple” /a/, “top” /t/ to make the   Paired Learning and Error Control:
 However, these sounds are not   word “cat” on their own on the very   ALfA employs a paired learning
 derived from individual letters,   first day. This kind of learning sticks   model which helps in error detection
 but rather from familiar words,   and is rarely forgotten. In ten days,   and correction, improving learning
 accompanied by illustrative pictures.  they not only master the letters but   retention and comprehension.
    also read over 500 words. This is   Paired learning also enhances
 ALfA flips the conventional teaching   not only possible, it is taking place   students’ communication and critical
 approach, starting not with   in schools implementing ALfA across   thinking skills.
 unknown letters or sounds but with   geographies.

 The process is interactive,
 engaging, and joyful.

 Learning is accelerated
 as the transaction utilizes   Children learn from apps   Traditional Writing Approaches versus ALfA Writing
 the time well, instead   as and when available.   Approaches
 of dead spaces created   No printed materials are
 in traditional teaching   needed where there is a   Traditional Writing Approaches:   skills. Students are encouraged to
                                            Traditional writing approaches often
                                                                               use their growing vocabulary and
 by children waiting for   digital screen or projector.   follow a step-by-step progression,   comprehension abilities to construct
 the next instruction   With 10x less paper, 10x   starting with letter formation and   meaningful written texts from the
 from the teacher. After   faster method, and no   handwriting practice. Students   beginning. Students are provided
 a demonstration by the   printed material where   learn to write by copying and   with opportunities to express their

 teacher in pair with one   possible, ALfA is also an   tracing letters and words, gradually   thoughts, ideas, and experiences
                                                                               through writing, promoting both
                                            progressing to forming simple
 student, and another   education for climate   sentences and paragraphs.      language development and creative
 demonstration by two   change.                                                expression.
 children in the front, all                 Incorporating Language Skills:
 pairs in the class know                    ALfA also emphasizes legible       Collaborative Writing: ALfA
 exactly what their task is.                handwriting and correct letter     emphasizes collaborative writing
                                                                               activities where students work
                                            formation but integrates writing
                                            with the development of language   together in pairs to generate ideas,

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