Page 9 - 10X GOOD Vol_1
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Whole Language Approach:   blending sounds to read words and   “reading wars” debate refers   A fresh methodology is   the slums and villages of Lucknow.   can foundational literacy be
 The whole language approach   sentences.  to the ongoing discussion and   demonstrating remarkable speed   Launched in 2022, the program is   acquired in just 45 instructional
 focuses on the meaning of the   disagreement among educators   and effectiveness. This approach   currently operational in two dozen   days? Seeing is believing. There
 text and emphasizes reading   Balanced Phonics Approach:   and researchers regarding the most   empowers both children and adults   districts across India. Its success   is growing evidence of the same
 for comprehension rather than   The balanced phonics approach   effective approach to teaching   to attain reading proficiency in just   has led to its adoption by a whole   including from Harvard Graduate
 decoding individual words. We all   combines elements of both whole   reading. Proponents of the whole   45 instructional days. The roots   nation, the Maldives, with 12 more   School of Education.
 most likely learned to read this way.   language and phonics, integrating   language approach argue for the   of this program lie in eight years   countries poised to implement it.
 In India, and worldwide, this is the   sight words, context, and phonetic   importance of meaning-making   of diligent research conducted in   This does beg the question - how
 pre-dominant way children learn to   principles.   and context, while proponents
 read.   of phonics advocate for explicit   The ALfA Method: Accelerating Learning for All
 There are proponents and critics of   instruction in letter-sound
 Phonics Approach: The phonics   both of these traditional methods   correspondences. The debate has
 approach emphasizes the   that often result in prolonged   shaped the landscape of literacy
 relationship between letters and   learning periods, with children   education for decades.
 sounds, helping children decode   taking several years to develop
 and read words accurately. In a   reading proficiency. In many cases,
 phonics-based reading program,   students struggle with basic reading
 students learn letter-sound   skills even after three to five years
 correspondences. Teachers may   of instruction, leading to low reading
 use phonics games, flashcards, and   comprehension and meaning-
 word-building activities to reinforce   making abilities.
 the understanding of letter-sound
 relationships. Students practice   The Reading Wars Debate: The

 ALfA—A New Disruptive Approach

 ALfA, Accelerating
 Learning for All, is an
 engaging and effective
 process of learning in
 pairs. It is child-led and
 child-centric. Teacher
 is a galvanizer who   Children take turns to decode first sounds from ‘known’ pictures from their
 provides triggers for   environment, then blend two or more sounds to make words on their own
 children’s learning.   from the beginning. They do not need to learn letters first (this alone saves
 These are provided   1 to 2 years). Children create and co-create questions for each other and

 in the ALfA Toolkits   take responsibility for their peers’ learning. Peers are allocated randomly and
 which consist of very   changed frequently so that all children learn to work with the entire class.
 thin booklets, acting as
 triggers for children’s
 expanded learning.

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