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Foundational Literacy and         Failure to bridge the gap between the illiterate and the literate will
          Numeracy (FLN) stands at the core   widen the divide even further, creating a stark contrast between those
          of the Sustainable Development    who can leverage AI and those left behind. Moreover, the historical
 Fast-Tracking   skill that empowers individuals   investment (ROI), estimated at seven times the initial investment. The
                                            significance of literacy is underscored by its impressive return on
          Goals (SDGs). It is an essential
          to actively participate in various
                                            costs of slow progress of literacy are colossal, and unimaginable.
          domains of life, such as education,
 Mother-tongue   employment, health, gender
          equality, and poverty reduction.

          The COVID-19 pandemic
          has further exacerbated the
 Literacy in the   already huge literacy challenge.

          Disturbingly, in many countries
          like the Democratic Republic of
          Congo and the Philippines, 90%
 Age of AI &   of 10-year-olds cannot read a
          simple text with comprehension.
          Only 30% of 10-year-olds can read
          (UNICEF). The recovery from this
          setback is a critical priority, then
 Climate Change  going beyond pre-Covid levels
          of literacy to attaining universal
          literacy as fast as possible.

 - By Dr. Sunita Gandhi
                                            ALfA emphasizes learning in pairs.

 Accelerating   n the age of AI and climate   literacy equips people with the   The urgency for global literacy   One system that exemplifies
                                            has never been greater,
                                                                               the efficacy of evidence-based
 foundational literacy   change, the need for fast-  knowledge and critical thinking   reminiscent of the time when   approaches is ALfA (Accelerating
 tracking foundational literacy
 skills necessary to understand
 in the age of AI and   becomes even more crucial.   the consequences of climate   people had to adapt to the newly   Learning for All). The pedagogy
 climate change is   I Climate change poses   change, protect their families   industrializing world during the   encourages learners to discover
                                                                               facts independently, using
                                            Industrial Revolution. To address
 unprecedented challenges that
 and communities from the
 vital for empowering   require informed and engaged   consequences of climate change,   this challenge, policymakers,   their visual understanding of
 individuals and   individuals to drive sustainable   and actively participate in climate   educators, and stakeholders must   the environment and cognitive
                                            prioritize foundational literacy
                                                                               connections to scaffold learning
 solutions. Foundational
 action initiatives.
 communities to                             to unlock its transformative       from simple to complex. ALfA
 address urgent                             potential.                         emphasizes learning in pairs and
                                                                               organizes learning experiences
 challenges                                 By equipping individuals with      from known to unknown,
                                            the ability to read, write, and    collaborate, exchange knowledge,
                                            comprehend, foundational literacy   and co-create their learning.  By
                                            lays the groundwork for their      doing so, it fast-tracks learning. It
           The literacy gap is stark and real.   active engagement in addressing   further fosters inclusive societies,
 Literacy is at the heart of all SDGs and climate action. It is one action that can bridge the digital
 divide in the age of AI. Mother-tongue literacy need not take years as it has taken in the past.   the global challenges outlined in   empowers individuals, and helps
 New methods and a vastly more transformative pedagogy are capable of filling the literacy gap   the SDGs.   build a future focused on the
 within weeks.
                                                                               collective good.

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