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various facets of their lives, influencing not only for implementing mandatory eye screenings in all
immediate learning outcomes but also imparting schools annually.
long-term consequences on eye health, educational
success, career opportunities, and overall quality of Moreover, the initiative shed light on the
life. Recognising the urgency of addressing these disproportionate impact of vision impairment
multifaceted challenges promptly, the See to Learn on female students, with a significantly higher
programme is committed to ensuring a meaningful number of females requiring eyeglasses compared
intervention in the lives of these young children. to males in the Lucknow and Unnao region. Devi
Sansthan played an indispensable role in mobilising
Eyecare interventions are imperative for students resources, imparting education on proper eye
eyeglasses are crucial in mitigating the impact the substantial impact of Vision Spring’s efforts in to nurture their educational knowledge and engage care, and facilitating awareness sessions at the
of myopia and ensuring the well-being of future reaching those who might have otherwise lacked fully in school activities. To alleviate the burden of grassroots level. Their unwavering support proved
generations. necessary visual correction. refractive error in children, VisionSpring advocates instrumental in ensuring the resounding success of
urgent measures. By conducting comprehensive the programme.
VisionSpring understands that early intervention in This specific focus on FTWs holds significant eye screenings and providing eyeglasses to children
addressing vision issues is essential for maximising importance not only for immediate vision throughout India, the organisation aims to empower At its core, the primary objective of these initiatives
a child’s potential. Beyond the immediate benefits improvement but also for aligning with the United them to excel in school, elevate their learning is to conduct comprehensive eye screenings and
of improved academic performance, clear vision Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4.1 outcomes, and lead higher quality lives. The See to ensure that individuals in need receive proper
enhances a child’s ability to explore the world, and 4.5. Goal 4.1 aims to ensure that all girls and Learn project encapsulates these efforts, serving as a eyeglasses. By addressing vision impairments
gain confidence, and actively participate in various boys complete free, equitable, and quality primary crucial component of Vision Spring’s broader mission proactively, VisionSpring is not merely providing
extracurricular and recreational activities. and secondary education, while Goal 4.5 strives to enhance vision and improve lives. eyeglasses; it is empowering communities, enhancing
to eliminate gender disparities in education. By educational opportunities, and ultimately, catalysing
The See to Learn project by VisionSpring is part addressing visual impairments in school children, In recognition of the imperative to address eye transformative change in the lives of individuals
of a larger intervention aimed at addressing especially those who are first-time eyeglass wearers, health challenges, VisionSpring forged a strategic across India.
visual impairment among school children in India. VisionSpring contributes significantly to creating partnership with Devi Sansthan to conduct
The organisation’s commitment revolves around a conducive learning environment, enhancing comprehensive eye-screening sessions for 8000+ In conclusion, the importance of eye screening and
providing eyeglasses to those in need. Through educational outcomes, and promoting inclusivity. children in slums/communities and government eyeglasses for children cannot be overstated. Vision
extensive eye-screenings conducted as part of schools in Unnao and Lucknow. An encouraging impairment not only impedes academic success but
the programme, approximately 77%-81% of the The ramifications of poor vision among school revelation emerged from this initiative: over 92% also hampers socio-economic development. Through
recipients have been identified as First Time Wearers children extend far beyond the immediate of children who received eyeglasses were first- its pioneering initiatives, VisionSpring is paving the
(FTWs). This demographic includes individuals who challenges, casting substantial obstacles on their time wearers, significantly surpassing the national way for a future where clear vision is accessible to
had never worn eyeglasses before, showcasing academic journey. The impact reverberates across average. This underscores the critical necessity all, irrespective of socio-economic status.
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