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DEVI (Dignity Education Vision International) Sansthan,   NGO conducts Massive Online Open Trainings (MOOT)            Aligned with the National Initiative for Proficiency in   DEVI Sansthan is set to sign MOUs to implement the
          a non-profit organization focused on educational     for those working with children.                                  Reading with Understanding Numeracy (NIPUN Bharat),   ALfA Programme in schools across several Indian states,
          innovation.                                                                                                            the ALfA Programme aims to ensure all children achieve   including Uttar Pradesh, Mizoram, West Bengal, Odisha,
                                                               How Does the ALfA Programme Work?                                 FLN by the end of Grade 3. This supports the three   Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, and
          The ALfA Programme                                   The ALfA Programme is a child-friendly, process-led               developmental goals of foundational learning: health   Uttarakhand. Additionally, ALfA is being implemented
          After years of research, Dr. Gandhi believes that    pedagogy where children work in pairs to decode and               and well-being, effective communication, and engaged   globally in countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Peru,
          without foundational skills, education is incomplete.   blend sounds to form words from the very beginning.            learning.                                            the Philippines, USA, Kenya, and the Maldives, with
          She has conducted numerous experiments on learning   Teachers motivate and support the process, ask                                                                         positive learning outcomes.
          and advocated for educational reforms both in India and   questions, and observe, but do not directly teach.
                                                               In the classroom, ALfA fosters leadership and
          The ALfA Programme is an innovative and effective    empowerment through daily role-switching pairs,
          pedagogy designed to transform education. It promotes   benefiting even shy and specially-abled students. Once
          a fast-track, holistic approach to FLN, where children   children gain foundational literacy, they can engage
          work in pairs and teachers act as facilitators rather than   with subjects like current affairs, read newspapers, and
          traditional transmitters of knowledge.               develop their own thought processes.

          Developed after eight years of active
          research, the ALfA Programme was
          launched in various Indian states in
          2022-23. It has since been replicated
          in 33 national and international
          languages, paving the way for large-
          scale expansion.

          The ALfA Programme delivers
          foundational literacy and numeracy
          ten times faster than traditional
          methods, achieving FLN goals in an
          average of 45 days. Using peer-to-
          peer learning, children interact and
          learn from each other rather than from
          a teacher.

          The program employs innovative study
          materials, including two thin booklets
          that facilitate paired learning. Children
          create questions for each other,
          promoting understanding and mastery
          of concepts. The ALfA Programme also
          ensures that children develop the 4C
          skills: collaboration, communication,                                                                                           About DEVI Sansthan
          creativity, and critical thinking,                                                                                              Dignity Education Vision International (DEVI) is a leading NGO founded in 1992. It collaborates
          which naturally lead to the 4C traits:                                                                                          with governments, NGOs, schools, and corporations worldwide to accelerate foundational
          citizenship, climate consciousness,                                                                                             literacy and numeracy for children and adults. It is headed by Dr. Sunita Gandhi, a renowned
          character, and connectedness.                                                                                                   educationist and economist

          To reach every child, the learning
          booklets are available online, and the

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